[S1E4] The Captain
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Tim was a heroic space ship captain who maintained his composure even in his final moments against the creature. He was also very vain, always complimenting his good looks or pointing them out to others. Even in his final log before his death, much of what he did was speak about his own good looks and he would often make his ship's computer compliment him. Tim also seemed to be kind and understanding, as he cared about anyone on the ship, and attempted to warn any potential viewer before he was killed.
Just before Shinra has the chance to put him to rest, Princess Hibana and the 5th Company interrupt the battle. Shinra refuses to take orders from her, forcing Hibana to suppress him with her abilities. Shinra eventually reaches his feet again and activates his ignition ability, challenging the entire 5th. Captain Obi and the others catch up before a skirmish breaks out and the two captains start negotiating.
Both Sulu and Riley also begin to behave irrationally. Sulu runs about with a sword, like a swashbuckler from The Three Musketeers, while Riley revels in his Irish ancestry, locks himself in the engineering section, and proclaims himself captain of the Enterprise. Those whose skin they have touched follow suit, and the infection quickly spreads through the crew. As they abandon their posts, the ship's orbit destabilizes and it falls into the planet's erratic gravity well. As the Enterprise enters the upper atmosphere, the hull begins to heat.
Picard tries to contact Lutan through Ligon's orbital control station, but he doesn't respond. He then orders Riker to fire a display blast of photon torpedoes 1,000 meters above the planet's surface. Unfortunately, they cannot trace the location of the transporter beam. Troi advises the captain that she sensed avarice and ambition from Lutan, but general attraction and curiosity from the rest of the Ligonians. Data comments that the Ligonians value patience and that perhaps they should wait and see if Lutan contacts them.
Riker is persuaded to allow Picard down to the planet, as a visiting leader becomes an honored guest and cannot be harmed. Riker jokingly warns Picard that if he gets hurt, he will put the captain on report.
Data beams back to the Enterprise to inform Riker on what the captain is planning. Meanwhile, down on the surface, Picard, Troi, La Forge and Yar enter the arena. The fight starts and Yar dodges and parries Yareena's attacks. Then Yareena's glove hits an electrified pole, and it flies off her hand and hits a spectator. The spikes pierce his body, and he is dead in seconds. After the dead Ligonian man is carried away, the fight resumes and eventually Yar bests Yareena, hitting her with her weapon, and dives down on top of her. They are both beamed up to the Enterprise where Dr. Crusher attempts to counteract the poison while Yareena lies dead on the transporter platform.
On the bridge, Pike seemingly goes through the five stages of grief all in the space of this episode. He exemplifies why he's one of the best captains in Starfleet as he expertly relies on the skills and advice of his crew, inspiring each of them to use their unique talents in a desperate situation. In contrast with La'an and Spock, Pike allows his emotions to flow through him and drive him to be an even better leader. The whiplash of one plan succeeding before being immediately faced with an even bigger threat would bring just about anyone to their knees. Pike takes the waves in stride ebbing and flowing through the emergency to find the solution that keeps as many people safe as possible. Because he doesn't cut himself off from feeling the pain of loss or the joy of victory, each of these beats are punctuated by sincerity.
The Orville observes that the ship is two-thousand years old, drifting through space, and set to collide with a nearby star in six months. An exploratory team consisting of Captain Ed Mercer, Commander Kelly Grayson, Chief of Security Alara Kitan, Doctor Claire Finn, and Science and Engineering Officer Isaac is formed, and enters the ship via shuttle. Remaining on board, Bortus assumes control of the captain's chair.
On the bridge, Kemka and Tomilin observe outer space for the first time. Isaac finds and plays a recording left 2,000 years ago by the final ship captain, Jahavus Dorahl. Dorahl explains that their vessel is part of a planet's goal to colonize another world. Unfortunately, the ship was hit by an ion storm and marooned in space. The propulsion system was damaged but the ship's ecosystem is self-sustaining. Dorahl had no choice but take the crew into the ecosystem and hope for an alien society to discover them. 781b155fdc